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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

How I know I won't die laughing...

I have now accepted an invitation to go hiking with a friend and his friends in the Magoebaskloof this coming holiday. I have a mere 28 days to get myself hiking fit, before I find myself looking at uphill after uphill with a large burden strapped to my back. People do this for fun you know.

I sense this hike is a lot like studying for a Latin exam.You can't really cram for a Latin test. There is no way one can learn all that vocabulary in one night including all the declensions. I know this because I have tried. Puella ...Puellarum...oh heck look at all the Pooh-I -am-in....You see? You can't cram fitness either.

Let me put you in the picture of the physical shape I am in. I am sporting an extra 20 kg's - weight that I have put  on in the last three years, like the extended version of "Eat, Pray, Love..."( Elizabeth Gilbert) I certainly have spend a lot of time at eat...and I figure this hike will certainly set me firmly on the path of PRAY..pray, I make it out alive, pray my knees hold me and I just don't go tumbling backwards down the slope as my backpack unends me. I have never been one for travelling light. 

It will be an austere version of Elizabeth Gilbert's quest for self -enlightenment which finds the author in some Indian monastery having taken a vow of silence and meditating whilst being devoured by mosquitoes. Pray!

I can almost hear you asking yourself , "Why?" Good question. Well? I don't know, but something in me says,perhaps this hike will lead to more and take me closer to the lifestyle I yearn for, an active, cleaner healthier way to be. In other words I feel compelled to do this. It may propel me in the direction of LOVE, not the romantic, love, but a LOVE for life. One step further on the happiness ladder. 


  1. Dont you love a challenge? (I really hope so) I'd recommend a set of those allow hiking poles, yeah they look a bit strange but I bought a set after they were recommended to me for saving the aching knee problems of hiking and they sure help to spread the load.
    Hope you enjoy the trip

  2. Yes, but I must admit I do have the jitters. Will investigate the hiking poles.

  3. My sisters all use the hiking poles. But I know you can do it. I started with just 10 mins 3 times a week on my stairs. Worked up to 15 mins and then started running and the first time I ran I went for a solid hour. All in less than 1 month. Start with the stairs it really helped me. I wish desperately I was going with you. How many km and how many days?

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