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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Frog Legs, the blind men in my life and I've still got twinkle - darn it!

It's been so long since I punched these keyboard keys in a blogging frenzy and delight. In truth I had nothing to say. I remember that was one of my pre wedding jitters. True to pre wedding tradition, Roger and I had planned not to see each other on the day we were married. He was staying  next door to my home, and my little white Ford Escort was parked between the houses on the grass. We kept leaving each other messages under the windscreen wipers. One read ....I'm worried...what if we run out of things to say to each other?  Roger thought that was funny.

I remember the day we did eventually run out of things to say to each other. It was Valentines Day, the year 2000. He had taken me to the fanciest restaurant, the small town of Vermilion had to offer. Frog's Leg's were on the menu.a special valentines day treat. Roger ordered the legs I can't remember what I ordered. Here I was, with all the heightened expectation of romance and valentines, kids with a babysitter, and .....nothing. I remember thinking...this is what I was afraid of all those years ago. It turned out that Roger had more to say to the local ambulance driver and a steamy affair had already begun between the two of them. Not unlike many of these small town affairs, I was the last to know. But knowing about it hardly stung more than that moment of realization, that this man had ceased to find me interesting, or worth talking to.

The truth was ....I was always just an ordinary girl; but a boy had found in me something gloriously captivating and fascinating; enough to want to spend the rest of eternity in my company. How magical is that? That is what we bloggers do, we take the ordinary simple things in life, and magically transform them into something charming and captivating. When we cease to find magic in the ordinary, we cease to have something to say.

I apologize for the frogleggy silence you have had to endure, but I think I lost a little of my own magic along the way. There have been others besides Roger, who have been captivated by something they think they see twinkling inside me.It has hurt a little to see that interest dwindle and die and caused me to doubt myself  as I  tasted   of the dust of nothingness.

But I'm 40 something now, a little wiser and sturdier and I know magic is in the eye of the beholder. I know that while I may have quiet moments with nothing to say, the magic will come back. And even if one hundred suitors leave, chewing frog legs, I can still spin magic out of the ordinary and have something to say to myself out here in the blogosphere and be quite content to do so. I know it isn't that I've lost my sparkle, it's more a case of that they have lost the ability to see it.

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