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Monday, March 22, 2010

Slow pokes and an over due Cowboy

Well that old slowpoke Cowboy hasn't even saddled up his donkey, never mind his robust steed.I was expecting to be in the middle of an almighty tussle :lawyers letters flying this way and that, angry soon to be ex spouses and me fighting over the carcass of our finances like a pride of hungry lions .......but the starter gun hasn't even gone off. I am waiting and waiting for the rough draft of the summons to be sent for my approval before  the sheriff ( of the court - of king Karaktacus????)scrapes the last few baked beans at the bottom of his tin can and swigs the dregs of his stiff coffee before his bowlegged self heads off into the sunset....a nice little summons under his cap....

Not that slow is that bad.....sloths move so slowly that lichen grows on them.... I went to a presentation today for a new business op...presenting a book to government personnel. The book claims to change your life in just 90 minutes(  the time it takes to read the book ) It suggests that we are our best selves when we remain calm and free of worry and other negative emotions so we can think with our subconscious mind rather than our conscious mind.  I must confess I am a sucker, and have been caught once too many times by get rich quick schemes, I worked hard at my poker face and super sceptism, I slowed my heart rate down every time he mentioned the word " million" - I confess that word still has a hold on me....it's so sexy, it still makes my pulse rate rise. But like a scorned lover I spurned the notion of this being a successful venture. However I still bought the book and read some of it. It suggests you slow your thinking right down, I tried, I couldn't detect any thinking, I reassured my self that my thought processes were probably going the speed of light and thus undetectable to the naked inner eye.

A squabble broke out in the children's quarters, two girls battling a war of words with one son....now was my chance. I s-l-o-w-l-y sauntered up to the battle ground, my slow texan drawl without the twang, my mind doughey and slow....calm as a cucumber I took the problem  in hand slowly turned it over, everything I said was measured and slothlike.....the result???? Actually truly amazing, genious if I might say it myself, my subconscious is funny, wise and kewl....My gosh! It worked very well as well! I might try that again. On Thursday, I have to do a mock presentation for a phoney group of potential buyers, we will see how it goes....

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