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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Hello Jeff

Hi Jeff,( see Jerry lewis comes to dinner) can I ask you for a favour? Today my little girl came to me holding a picture of Roger ( not his real name) and I on our wedding day. She held the picture close and said to me, "Mommy I miss this."
I said :" You miss your dad? It won't be long and you will be spending the Christmas holidays with him.               ( Heartstrings gave a big yank, this will be my first Christmas without kids.)
"No I miss this, she said, pointing to the two of us in the picture."
"I miss this too baby," I say, I am glad that Roger isn't with me anymore, but as I have always said:" A child who wakes up each day to a mom and dad who still love each other and are happily married, wakes up to Christmas every day."
With all my heart this has always been my wish for my children.
Then from somewhere deep within , she starts to cry with a really deep hurt, which wells up and overflows from her broken heart in loud heaving sobs. I do what any mother would do, I hold her close and do a little silent crying with her. After a bit, like a Highveldt thunderstorm, it's over and she pads off to her room carrying the picture.
So Jeff, if it's not too much trouble, would you go over to my little blonde baby and put your arms and wings around her right now, and help me to help her heart to heal? And would you remind me when I'm feeling sorry for myself and hurting bad, that there are five little hearts hurting even more?

I remember a conversation we had a year ago. "Why did daddy have to get divorced now," she asks, "I'm just a little girl"
She's just a little girl still, carrying wounds I am powerless to heal.
I'm a big girl now, and I still hurt like heck, can you hold my hand and her hand and help us walk this road together?
Show us the way?
If it's not too much trouble?


  1. Well, I had a little cry with you. Lovely post.

  2. Yup, shed a few tears here too. Life really stinks sometimes, doesn't it? In case I haven't told you lately...you really have a gift when it comes to writing from the heart.

  3. I'm so happy my daughter was too young to remember the divorce. Hang in there. It gets better.

  4. Hey Jen, thanks for the words of encouragement!
