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Monday, April 4, 2011

Snap, Crackle and POP!

Do you hear that cracking and snapping sound? Music to my ears..it's the sound of the tectonic plates of my life shifting into focus.

I have been feeling incredibly stuck the last half decade. Whilst I like teaching and in particular the holidays, lets face it one of the reasons I like the holidays is the time it affords me to do hours and hours of preparation for the upcoming term.( Did someone say holiday?)

 One of the biggest drawbacks to teaching ,is the unfortunate salary, this wasn't an issue earlier on, but as a single mom, the issue has swelled in importance like a pimple just before an important event. ( ewww - could be grossing myself out..)

I have had several dreams I have kept under wraps, not able to see how they can be fulfilled and this combined with the embarrassment of actually thinking them. Who me? Do that? How crazy, pretentious and who do I think I am? Those bullies, couldn't and shouldn't, have been keeping my head in the toilet and have given me swirlies every time I thought those thoughts.

For some reason, they were caught off guard, and I have been thinking, and more importantly seeing, the vague outline of another route I could take in my life, one that would detour past all these ideas and dreams, a route that makes me feel ...it could well be possible.

Added to that, something I have been doing on the backburner of my life may have sprung to life, and may be gathering momentum as we speak. Now all I need is another, let's say, 8 hours in my days....
I've been feeling up and down the walls of my life, looking for the light switch, I may just have found it...


  1. Now you just left us all hanging? What are you thinking about? I would Love to be a cheerleader for someone else's dreams. My are too discouraging to cheer.

  2. Suzie Fruitcake! You already are my number one cheerleader.. I always love getting your comments - It's like Xmas!
    Well,let me just say, I want to be a Phsycologist. It will take over a decade to get there. In the meantime, I am going to study to be a life coach, and build up from there, so I can supplement my teacher's salary soon, and can still be a psychologist. Now of course this is all pie in the sky...but lets see how we go???

  3. Cool! You have a great plan and I know it will be hard but if "Roger" can become a doctor in Canada ---- YOU!!! can do anything!
