There is a famous Dutch fable about a boy who finds a small hole in a dyke. He stays all night plugging the hole with his finger waiting for help to come along. Eventually he is noticed in the morning and receives the necessary help. He is hailed as a hero as he had single fingerdly saved his community from being flooded.
So today was the first day of school holidays. I was shuffling around in my pj's for the greater part of the morning. I cooked a delish breakfast for my children as well as the five extra guests we had sleeping over last night. Eventually I decided it was time for a lovely leisurely bath. I sauntered off to my bathroom really enjoying the lazy lazy day ahead of me, it was cold grey and rainy outside, so what was the hurry, no bright sun and scalding beachy sand beckoning to me.
I turned on the hot water, the plumbing growled at me and all the copper pipes in the wall reverberated. Ok fine! I'll turn on the cold water. I did. All hell broke loose! Like the spray from a fire hydrant, the water spewed from the hole in the bathroom wall, where my tap was supposed to be. Soon the water began to pool on the floor and sneak menacingly towards my bedroom carpet. I yelled, for Hans the Boy with the finger for my dyke...
I had to yell louder and louder...eventually Hans arrived....( They didn't have computer games in those days) my carpet was getting wet. Eventually Hans ( who is really D ) got things under control.
I left him with his finger in the dyke, till I had figured out where the main's water pipe was. It took a wasn't quite nightfall but after a seriously long time, I had everything sorted while Hans patiently waited his finger getting a little numb from holding back the tsunami waiting for us on the other side of the wall.
Hip - hip hooray for my very own legend son - when I get enough money I will erect a statue, just like the Dutch did to commemorate his valiant effort today. Thank goodness for older sons! You gotta love them!
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