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Friday, October 30, 2009

A Journey of a Thousand Miles

It's hard to say when my journey began, some may argue it started the day I eagerly walked down the aisle towards what I thought was the most perfect man I ever clapped eyes on. Pomp and Circumstance was being played rather haltingly on an organ , a foreshadowing of his tendency to do the former whenever the latter was right. I couldn't have been happier.

My third child was four days old when the fairy tale came to an abrupt end. From then life took a rather soap opera-eish turn and I became the pathetic little grey wife of a doctor who "did" everything from nurse to undertaker's wife. Yes, I should have left right there and then, but I didn't and stayed for 13 more years of excruciating punishment. Fool that I am, this I know - I refuse to become bitter and twisted and though I can't tell you or the Cheshire Cat where exactly I am headed, I know the roads I don't want to travel. I don't want to journey along "Woe is Me Avenue", or sojourn  in "Regretville"  and I'd like to get out of this cul de sac I'm in now which for want of a better name is " I feel lousy cause he's with a 28 year old and I have this 42 year old body, with added  interest ( too much self medicating with chocolate) and whats wrong with me ???? circle" It's a self defeating place to be and I hope I find a map to take me someplace else.

So the journey begins, my travelling companions are 5 beautiful children, the product of my marriage of 17 years. I have plenty baggage added to that, but hope to discard bags here and there and arrive at my destination ( wherever it maybe) sans bags. So, this blog is to chronicle the ongoing saga of being a single mom of 5 and of my quest to come out of this better, happier, stronger.

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